Frequently Asked Questions about a Retreat.

What is an open retreat? An open retreat is a retreat anyone can attend whether you are with friends in a group or attending alone.
What do you do at a retreat? Retreats are designed for sewing, quilting, fellowship, fun, and laughs. There is usually one game night during each retreat. Bring 6 fat quarters to participate in the game of L, C, R.
What do you take to a retreat? You will want to bring all your personal items that you need such as clothing, medicine, phone charger, etc. For your sewing/quilting needs you will want to bring any projects that you want to finish, a quilt kit you have wanted to start, or any new project that has caught your eye. We have design walls for your convenience. CLICK HERE for a general list that will help you get started.
Where is the retreat located? It is near San Antonio, TX in a nice area called Pipe Creek. The physical address of the retreat is 918 Madrona Ranch Rd., Pipe Creek, TX 78063
Should I take a gift for my fellow retreaters? It is always nice to receive a gift, but it is not required. Some people do bring one and some do not. It is your choice, please don’t feel obligated.
If I do bring a gift, what should I bring? Something small, not expensive. Being at a retreat is not about gifts, it is about meeting new friends with like minds and having fun with fellow sewers and quilters.
Is food provided? What should I bring? At this time, food is not included in the cost of $65 per night, 2 night minimum. You are welcome to the coffee, water, and anything in the cabinets such as spices, condiments, and paper goods. You are free to cook your own food or eat out while here at Honey Hill Retreat.
Do I need to bring linens or towels? All lines, towels, and pillows are provided. You are welcome to bring your personal pillow if you have a favorite.
Do you have a washer and dryer? Yes, you are welcome to use the washer and dryer. Soap and dryer sheets are available for your convenience.
How many sewing tables are available? We have 9 tables available for your sewing experience. There are also two irons and ironing boards. We have several design walls for your convenience. The sewing chairs are very comfortable and there is a power strip for every sewer.
Are guests/friends/family allowed to visit or stay for dinner during my retreat? No. If they would like a brief tour of the facility, they should contact Kim at to set up an appointment. There is a limit of 9 sewers in the sewing room. These spaces are for retreat goers only and there is not any room for guests or day sewers. If your guest wants to attend or stay for a length of time, please share the retreat information and have them sign up for the retreat.
Do you have design walls? We have several design walls all over the sewing room as well as the cutting room. You will have one at your fingertips while sewing.
Are extension cords necessary? Not really because you have your own power strip at your own table. You will also have a power strip next to your bed to charge all your devices.
Do I need a lamp or extra lighting? The facility has lots of light. It is your choice.
What do we do the day we leave? Please remove your bed sheets and towels. It is helpful if you leave them near the washing machine before leaving.
Are there any quilt shops near the Honey Hill Retreat? Yes, there are a few such as: Memories by the Yard, Sew It Fabulous, Sew Special Quilts, Mesquite Bean Fabrics, The Quilt Haus, Scrappy Quilter, Gone Quiltin’, and Las Colchas.
There is also Things in A Room in Fredericksburg along with Fiberworx Fabric Studio in McQueeny.